relaxed pic
The Too Tall Shed
1.1K Views, 7 Favorites
A Versatile Outfeed Table for a Table Saw.
591 Views, 4 Favorites
Spray Can and Oil Bottle Shelf, From an Old Step Ladder
736 Views, 6 Favorites
Tree Screen for Recycle Bin
839 Views, 7 Favorites
Hammer in Garden Edging, Tool
3.1K Views, 29 Favorites
Outdoor Shelf Made From Election Signs
702 Views, 7 Favorites
I Fixed It "Window Frame"
3.8K Views, 34 Favorites
Bird Suet Feeder for Birds That Like to Feed Upside Down
1.9K Views, 9 Favorites
7.2K Views, 71 Favorites
From Cuttings to Plants
877 Views, 22 Favorites
Scissors Sheath
602 Views, 3 Favorites
Video Chat/Conference Background
335 Views, 2 Favorites
The Christmas Pineapple
763 Views, 1 Favorites
Peanut Nativity Scene
1.8K Views, 0 Favorites
Solid Copper Whale
475 Views, 0 Favorites
Leaf Mulcher and an Update
12K Views, 99 Favorites
Maps or Smart Phones. We'd Be Lost With Out Them.
1.0K Views, 4 Favorites
Octagon Stand for the Satellite Dish Bird Bath
2.0K Views, 7 Favorites
Sawhorse Stool
1.9K Views, 27 Favorites
2020 Easter Gift
323 Views, 0 Favorites
Repairing a Motorized Lazy Boy Recliner
5.4K Views, 3 Favorites
Cajon (Ka-Hone)
1.2K Views, 3 Favorites
Reusing a Door to Replace a Door.
852 Views, 2 Favorites
Stitched Collar Repair With Leather.
2.8K Views, 8 Favorites
BBQ Charcoal Starter
2.4K Views, 1 Favorites
BEER, a Trellis for Hops, a Support for Growing Them in Your Backyard.
6.1K Views, 49 Favorites
A Leather Pouch for the Pocket Fire Box
2.1K Views, 12 Favorites
Fire Resistant Pouch
2.5K Views, 6 Favorites
Satellite Bird Bath/Pond and an Update
15K Views, 95 Favorites
RFID Shielding a Tyvek Wallet
1.4K Views, 4 Favorites
Yard Waste Collection or What to Do With Rubbermaid Trash Cans That Are Past Their Normal Life.
3.1K Views, 6 Favorites
Porcelain Tube Knife Sharpener
2.0K Views, 3 Favorites
A Homemade Trailer That Is Bolted Together
60K Views, 206 Favorites
Edgee Pumpkins
702 Views, 1 Favorites
Leather Palm Guard
2.5K Views, 21 Favorites
Heavy Duty I-Beam Saw Horses
3.2K Views, 44 Favorites
Versatile Wooden Planter
2.9K Views, 59 Favorites
Home Made Powered Hacksaw Now With Start /Stop and Auto Shut Off Control
7.5K Views, 45 Favorites
Duct Tape Watch Crystal Cover and Band/strap
2.3K Views, 3 Favorites
Dremel Handle
3.5K Views, 34 Favorites
Steam Punk Style Clock With a Night Light
1.1K Views, 15 Favorites
Bird House or Feeder
1.3K Views, 2 Favorites
Introducing the Instruct-a-table
2.9K Views, 27 Favorites
Supplementary Survival With a Coffee Bag
2.2K Views, 14 Favorites
Water Bottle Survival Kit
4.7K Views, 44 Favorites
Backyard Project Wood
1.8K Views, 15 Favorites
Hand Crank Generator / Battery Charger
41K Views, 159 Favorites
Custom Sized Planter Insert
1.1K Views, 2 Favorites
Handmade Rustic Looking Sign
1.9K Views, 34 Favorites
1 Way Door for Pests
39K Views, 39 Favorites
Tree to Giraffe
993 Views, 0 Favorites
2.3K Views, 4 Favorites
Hand Saw Guards
8.4K Views, 25 Favorites
Weed Wacker Saw
1.7K Views, 23 Favorites
Recycle Bin Evergreen Tree Screen
723 Views, 2 Favorites
Snow Chute
3.8K Views, 21 Favorites
Spoons to Rings
2.2K Views, 32 Favorites
Adding Insulation to the Exterior of My House.
22K Views, 94 Favorites
Wood Pellet Storage Shed
8.4K Views, 39 Favorites
Knife Sheath Repair / Modification
3.9K Views, 9 Favorites
Garden Sun Shade / Frost Cover
1.8K Views, 8 Favorites
4.9K Views, 22 Favorites
Adjustable (height) Table Saw Out-feed Table
9.6K Views, 26 Favorites
Repairing an Evaporator That Doesn't Heat Up Anymore. Lab Hacks
1.7K Views, 4 Favorites
I.F.O. Identifiable Flowering Object
1.0K Views, 1 Favorites
BBQ Grill Scraper Tool
7.3K Views, 20 Favorites
PVC Trellis
14K Views, 107 Favorites
Multi-use Indestructible Garden Tool
21K Views, 101 Favorites
Pocket Sized Commuter Kit
7.1K Views, 42 Favorites
Halloween Pumpkin Shaped Carrots
5.7K Views, 23 Favorites
From Washroom to Garden Pond
10K Views, 26 Favorites